Deutsche Vita

L’industria biotech tedesca ha dimostrato che con la ricerca si possono far soldi

27 March 2021, Hessen, Marburg: Wearing full-body protective suits, laboratory assistants from the company Biontech simulate the final steps in the production of the Corona vaccine on a bioreactor in a clean room at the new production site in Marburg. According to earlier statements by the company, 250 million doses of the vaccine from Biontech and its US partner Pfizer are to be produced in Marburg in the first half of 2021. Once the Marburg plant is fully operational, the company plans to produce 750 million doses of the COVID-19 vaccine there annually. Photo by: Boris Roessler/picture-alliance/dpa/AP Images
27 March 2021, Hessen, Marburg: Wearing full-body protective suits, laboratory assistants from the company Biontech simulate the final steps in the production of the Corona vaccine on a bioreactor in a clean room at the new production site in Marburg. According to earlier statements by the company, 250 million doses of the vaccine from Biontech and its US partner Pfizer are to be produced in Marburg in the first half of 2021. Once the Marburg plant is fully operational, the company plans to produce 750 million doses of the COVID-19 vaccine there annually. Photo by: Boris Roessler/picture-alliance/dpa/AP Images

Le imprese del settore stanno fiorendo, trascinate dal successo di BioNtech e Curevac, che ha attratto l’interesse di investitori privati ma anche dello stato tedesco. La chiave dell’efficacia del loro lavoro arriva dalla stretta collaborazione con gli istituti di ricerca universitari, che spesso partecipano ai profitti 

  • Il Covid ha impresso una svolta. Grazie ai vaccini di Biontech e Curevac l’industria biotech tedesca è rinata.
  • Università collegate ad imprese, capitali stranieri, capitani d’industria esperti: sono questi gli ingredienti dietro il successo.
  • Il modello comincia a dare i suoi frutti: le startup attraggono lavoratori non solo tedeschi ma anche internazionali.

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