Bambini rifugiati

Il dramma nascosto dei minori ucraini senza accompagnatori

Ukrainian refugee children play on a playground at a refugee shelter in Warsaw, Poland, Wednesday, Aug. 17, 2022. As Russia’s war against Ukraine reaches the sixth-month mark, many refugees are coming to the bitter realization that they will not be returning home soon. With shelling around a nuclear power plant and missiles threatening even western regions of Ukraine, many refugees don’t feel safe at home, even if those areas are under Ukrainian control. (AP Photo/Michal Dyjuk)
Ukrainian refugee children play on a playground at a refugee shelter in Warsaw, Poland, Wednesday, Aug. 17, 2022. As Russia’s war against Ukraine reaches the sixth-month mark, many refugees are coming to the bitter realization that they will not be returning home soon. With shelling around a nuclear power plant and missiles threatening even western regions of Ukraine, many refugees don’t feel safe at home, even if those areas are under Ukrainian control. (AP Photo/Michal Dyjuk)


  • Molti paesi che hanno accolto chi fuggiva dalla guerra non pubblicano dati sui minorenni arrivati senza genitori o tutori legali.
  • Quelli provenienti dall’Ucraina, secondo l’ultimo report del ministero del Lavoro, rappresentano ancora oggi la maggioranza dei minori stranieri non accompagnati in arrivo in Italia
  • In Italia sono tremila dall’invasione del 24 febbraio: un popolo invisibile e senza tutele.

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