la pandemia non è finita

È arrivata una nuova (preoccupante) variante del coronavirus

FILE - Indian Christians wearing masks as a precaution against COVID-19 gather for prayers as they observe Palm Sunday in Kochi, Kerala state, India, April 10, 2022. The quickly changing coronavirus has spawned yet another super contagious omicron mutant that's worrying scientists as it gains ground in India and pops up in numerous other countries, including the United States. Scientists say the variant, which is called BA.2.75, may be able to spread rapidly and get around immunity from vaccines and previous infection. (AP Photo/R S Iyer, File)
FILE - Indian Christians wearing masks as a precaution against COVID-19 gather for prayers as they observe Palm Sunday in Kochi, Kerala state, India, April 10, 2022. The quickly changing coronavirus has spawned yet another super contagious omicron mutant that's worrying scientists as it gains ground in India and pops up in numerous other countries, including the United States. Scientists say the variant, which is called BA.2.75, may be able to spread rapidly and get around immunity from vaccines and previous infection. (AP Photo/R S Iyer, File)
  • In India è comparsa una nuova variante di Omicron, denominata BA.2.75.2, che è più trasmissibile e più immunoevasiva di tutte le precedenti, e si sta diffondendo rapidamente.
  • La sottovariante BA.2.75.2 per ora è presente in India, Cile, Gran Bretagna, Singapore, Spagna e Germania.
  • La sottovariante BA.2.75.2 è dotata di alcune mutazioni aggiuntive a livello della proteina Spike che le conferiscono grandi capacità di sfuggire agli anticorpi neutralizzanti. Anche chi si era già ammalato di Covid ora potrebbe ammalarsi di nuovo.

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