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Gran Bretagna, cosa pensa in economia la premier Liz Truss e perché è fuori tempo massimo

FILE - Liz Truss, Britain's Foreign Secretary leaves a Cabinet meeting at 10 Downing Street in London, Tuesday, April 19, 2022. Britain's new leader, Liz Truss, is the child of left-wing parents who grew up to be an admirer of Conservative Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher. Now she is taking the helm as prime minister herself, with a Thatcherite zeal to transform the U.K. One colleague who has known Truss since university says she is “a radical” who wants to “roll back the intervention of the state” in people’s lives, just as Thatcher once did. (AP Photo/Alastair Grant, File)
FILE - Liz Truss, Britain's Foreign Secretary leaves a Cabinet meeting at 10 Downing Street in London, Tuesday, April 19, 2022. Britain's new leader, Liz Truss, is the child of left-wing parents who grew up to be an admirer of Conservative Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher. Now she is taking the helm as prime minister herself, with a Thatcherite zeal to transform the U.K. One colleague who has known Truss since university says she is “a radical” who wants to “roll back the intervention of the state” in people’s lives, just as Thatcher once did. (AP Photo/Alastair Grant, File)
  • La nuova prima ministra britannica Liz Truss promette di tagliare le tasse a tutti e dotare la Banca d’Inghilterra di un nuovo mandato per combattere l’inflazione. Ma la svolta “thatcheriana” promossa da Truss rischia di aggravare la crisi dell’economia britannica.
  • Il suo modello dichiarato è Margaret Thatcher, una Tory assai poco incline al compromesso. L’ammirazione di Truss è tale che imita esplicitamente la sua eroina perfino nel look.
  • Nel 2021 il governo Johnson ha approvato una importante misura per finanziare i crescenti costi del servizio sanitario nazionale e del sistema di assistenza agli anziani non autosufficienti.

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