
Proteste e Covid, la questione cinese minaccia l’economia mondiale

A man places a mask over the eyes of the John Harvard Statue in Harvard Yard as dozens of students and faculty demonstrate against strict anti-virus measures in China, Tuesday, Nov. 29, 2022, at Harvard University in Cambridge, Mass. Protests in China, which were the largest and most wide spread in the nation in decades, included calls for Communist Party leader Xi Jinping to step down. (AP Photo/Josh Reynolds) Associated Press/LaPresse Only Italy and Spain
A man places a mask over the eyes of the John Harvard Statue in Harvard Yard as dozens of students and faculty demonstrate against strict anti-virus measures in China, Tuesday, Nov. 29, 2022, at Harvard University in Cambridge, Mass. Protests in China, which were the largest and most wide spread in the nation in decades, included calls for Communist Party leader Xi Jinping to step down. (AP Photo/Josh Reynolds) Associated Press/LaPresse Only Italy and Spain
  • La politica “zero contagi” perseguita dalla Cina, con rigide restrizioni alle libertà private,potrebbe avere ricadute economiche per il resto del mondo.

  • Ci sarà un’accelerazione della crescita cinese dall’anno prossimo, e l’Europa dovrà affrontare una maggiore competizione da parte dell'Asia per le proprie forniture energetiche.

  • La politica “zero contagi” provoca anche enormi problemi alle filiere di produzione che avevano trovato la loro principale collocazione in Cina, come dimostrano le recenti proteste nella fabbrica Foxconn dove si producono gli iPhone.

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