
Trump può fermare la conta dei voti? Il precedente della Florida

FILE - This Nov. 8, 2000 file photo shows Orlando Sentinel election night headlines The first headline was, \\\"Oh, so close,\\\" followed by \\\"IT'S BUSH,\\\" then \\\"IS IT BUSH?\\\" and lastly \\\"CONTESTED.\\\" The presidential election is still undecided while the nation waits for Florida's final vote count. The mere mention of the 2000 election unsettles people in Palm Beach County. The county’s poorly designed “butterfly ballot” confused thousands of voters, arguably costing Democrat Al Gore the state, and thereby the presidency. Gore won the national popular vote by more than a half-million ballots. But George W. Bush became president after the Supreme Court decided, 5-4, to halt further Florida recounts, more than a month after Election Day. Bush carried the state by 537 votes, enough for an Electoral College edge, and the White House. (AP Photo/Peter Cosgrove, File)
FILE - This Nov. 8, 2000 file photo shows Orlando Sentinel election night headlines The first headline was, "Oh, so close," followed by "IT'S BUSH," then "IS IT BUSH?" and lastly "CONTESTED." The presidential election is still undecided while the nation waits for Florida's final vote count. The mere mention of the 2000 election unsettles people in Palm Beach County. The county’s poorly designed “butterfly ballot” confused thousands of voters, arguably costing Democrat Al Gore the state, and thereby the presidency. Gore won the national popular vote by more than a half-million ballots. But George W. Bush became president after the Supreme Court decided, 5-4, to halt further Florida recounts, more than a month after Election Day. Bush carried the state by 537 votes, enough for an Electoral College edge, and the White House. (AP Photo/Peter Cosgrove, File)
  • Quando nel 2000 George W. Bush ricevette 270 voti elettorali, uno più della soglia richiesta di 169, la corte suprema della Florida ordinò di ricontare manualmente 61.000 schede che sembravano mal calcolate dagli appositi apparecchi a punzone.
  • Era  in questione anche il diverso modo di contare i voti nei diversi stati, che a giudizio di alcuni costituiva una violazione del principio di eguaglianza.
  • Lo staff di Bush si appellò alla Corte Suprema perché fermasse il riconteggio manuale.l ricorso di Bush fu appoggiato energicamente dal giudice repubblicano Antonin Scalia e infine la corte, 7 a 2, aderì alla richiesta.

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