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Tutto quello che (non) abbiamo capito sulla criptovaluta cinese

An E-CNY payment sign is put up on a desk in a store in the Luohu District in Shenzhen city, south China's Guangdong province, 11 October 2020. The Shenzhen municipal government announced a giveaway of ten million renminbi ($1.5 million) in central bank digital currency (CBDC). Fifty thousand people would receive the gifted money on a lottery basis in amounts of 200 yuan as part of the digital yuan tests and the trial was in the Luohu District. In accordance with the trial, about 3389 shops including restaurants and retail stores had updated and equiped system allowing eCNY payment in the Luohu District. As of 8p.m. on 11th October 2020, over 1.91million people participated in the lottery winning. (Imaginechina via AP Images)
An E-CNY payment sign is put up on a desk in a store in the Luohu District in Shenzhen city, south China's Guangdong province, 11 October 2020. The Shenzhen municipal government announced a giveaway of ten million renminbi ($1.5 million) in central bank digital currency (CBDC). Fifty thousand people would receive the gifted money on a lottery basis in amounts of 200 yuan as part of the digital yuan tests and the trial was in the Luohu District. In accordance with the trial, about 3389 shops including restaurants and retail stores had updated and equiped system allowing eCNY payment in the Luohu District. As of 8p.m. on 11th October 2020, over 1.91million people participated in the lottery winning. (Imaginechina via AP Images)
  • Bitcoin nasce nel 2009: perché la Cina solo ora emette la prima moneta digitale? Perché è così strategica per gli Usa? E per l’eurozona?
  • La Cina la emette ora perché voleva fermare Alibaba che con Ant di fatto ne aveva creato una versione privata.
  • Oltre a bloccare la quotazione di Ant e sanzionare severamente Alibaba, il governo doveva però offrire ai cinesi un’alternativa altrettanto efficiente per i pagamenti.

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