La misoginia del Duce

Gli effetti permanenti del maschilismo fascista

70,000 fascist women and girls marched past Italian dictator Benito Mussolini on the Via dell’impero, in military massed formation led by bands and standard bearers. A company of khaki-dressed girls in sun helmets and carrying rifles with fixed bayonets received a particular ovation from the crowd. The parade was held to celebrate the twentieth anniversary of Fascism, and when it was over, Il Duce drove back through cheering crowds to the Palazzo Venezia, where he had to appear several times on his balcony to satisfy the demands of the 70,000 women and girls who gathered in the huge square under his window. The khaki-dressed girls in sun helmets and carrying rifles with fixed bayonets, waking part in the parade in Rome, Italy, on May 28, 1939. (AP Photo)
70,000 fascist women and girls marched past Italian dictator Benito Mussolini on the Via dell’impero, in military massed formation led by bands and standard bearers. A company of khaki-dressed girls in sun helmets and carrying rifles with fixed bayonets received a particular ovation from the crowd. The parade was held to celebrate the twentieth anniversary of Fascism, and when it was over, Il Duce drove back through cheering crowds to the Palazzo Venezia, where he had to appear several times on his balcony to satisfy the demands of the 70,000 women and girls who gathered in the huge square under his window. The khaki-dressed girls in sun helmets and carrying rifles with fixed bayonets, waking part in the parade in Rome, Italy, on May 28, 1939. (AP Photo)
  • Giorgia Meloni non è la prima donna a diventare leader di partito in Italia, ma ciò che la rende peculiare è la sua appartenenza a un partito di destra: segno di una politica che tiene sempre meno conto della storia
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