
In Israele il governo della linea dura rischia la crisi sulla sicurezza

A body is covered on the side walks after a shooting attack near a synagogue in Jerusalem, Friday, Jan. 27, 2023. A Palestinian gunman opened fire outside an east Jerusalem synagogue Friday night, killing five people and wounding five others in one of the deadliest attacks on Israelis in years, medical officials said. The attack was halted when the gunman was shot by police. (AP Photo/Mahmoud Illean)
A body is covered on the side walks after a shooting attack near a synagogue in Jerusalem, Friday, Jan. 27, 2023. A Palestinian gunman opened fire outside an east Jerusalem synagogue Friday night, killing five people and wounding five others in one of the deadliest attacks on Israelis in years, medical officials said. The attack was halted when the gunman was shot by police. (AP Photo/Mahmoud Illean)

L’ultradestra promette calma grazie a politiche di tolleranza zero, ma i tragici attacchi di Gerusalemme fanno temere possa ottenere l’effetto contrario

  • Dopo un mese al potere l’esecutivo considerato più di destra della storia del paese vive una crisi sul tema della sicurezza.

  • Dopo l’attentato con sette morti a Gerusalemme venerdì sera, sabato due israeliani sono rimasti feriti in un altro attacco.

  • I ministri oltranzisti rischiano di infiammare ulteriormente la piazza palestinese.

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