
La Lega Araba boicotta il governo di Tripoli

Libya's Tripoli-based administration Foreign Minister Najla Mangoush attends a meeting with other Arab Foreign Ministers in the capital of Tripoli, Sunday Jan. 22, 2023. The gathering was boycotted by other Foreign Ministers who do not recognize the mandate of the Tripoli-based government. (AP Photo/Yousef Murad)
Libya's Tripoli-based administration Foreign Minister Najla Mangoush attends a meeting with other Arab Foreign Ministers in the capital of Tripoli, Sunday Jan. 22, 2023. The gathering was boycotted by other Foreign Ministers who do not recognize the mandate of the Tripoli-based government. (AP Photo/Yousef Murad)
  • Al meeting periodico e consultivo dell’organismo tenutasi lo scorso 22 gennaio, si sono presentati in pochi.
  • Pesantissime le assenze dei ministri degli Esteri delle monarchie del Golfo, Arabia Saudita ed Emirati Arabi Uniti, così come del segretario generale della Lega Araba Ahmed Aboul-Gheit.
  • Per il Segretario Generale della Lega Araba Ahmed Aboul-Gheit e vari stati membri il governo di Tripoli ha finito il mandato.

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