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L’Europa deve prepararsi a sostenere la ricostruzione dell’Ucraina

16 March 2022, Brandenburg, Frankfurt (Oder): Volunteer helpers stand next to food at the Frankfurt (Oder) train station while a train with war refugees from Ukraine arrives. Several special trains arrive here at the station every day, as well as regular trains from the Polish capital Warsaw with war refugees from Ukraine. All trains stop briefly in Frankfurt (Oder) while the federal police check the passengers. Many volunteers from various associations distribute food to the travelers. The German Red Cross is currently on site with 12 helpers. Photo by: Patrick Pleul/picture-alliance/dpa/AP Images
16 March 2022, Brandenburg, Frankfurt (Oder): Volunteer helpers stand next to food at the Frankfurt (Oder) train station while a train with war refugees from Ukraine arrives. Several special trains arrive here at the station every day, as well as regular trains from the Polish capital Warsaw with war refugees from Ukraine. All trains stop briefly in Frankfurt (Oder) while the federal police check the passengers. Many volunteers from various associations distribute food to the travelers. The German Red Cross is currently on site with 12 helpers. Photo by: Patrick Pleul/picture-alliance/dpa/AP Images
  • La guerra in corso ha causato notevoli danni materiali alle città e alle infrastrutture, generando il più grande movimento di profughi all’interno dell’Europa dalla fine della Seconda guerra mondiale.
  • Complessivamente è molto probabile che il reddito annuale dell’Ucraina avrà una caduta di oltre un terzo.
  • È evidente che per impedire un collasso economico del paese l’occidente deve intervenire molto in fretta e pesantemente.

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