Attori e vip arruolati come influencer per promuovere la linea di Xi Jinping

Chinese President Xi Jinping is seen on screen near the slogan \\\"The people's yearning for a better life is the goal we strive for\\\" at the Museum of the Communist Party of China here in Beijing, China, Friday, Nov. 12, 2021. Xi emerges from a party conclave this week not only more firmly ensconced in power than ever, but also with a stronger ideological and theoretical grasp on the ruling Communist Party's past, present and future. (AP Photo/Ng Han Guan)
Chinese President Xi Jinping is seen on screen near the slogan "The people's yearning for a better life is the goal we strive for" at the Museum of the Communist Party of China here in Beijing, China, Friday, Nov. 12, 2021. Xi emerges from a party conclave this week not only more firmly ensconced in power than ever, but also with a stronger ideological and theoretical grasp on the ruling Communist Party's past, present and future. (AP Photo/Ng Han Guan)
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