Cosa c’è dietro la sanzione da 1 miliardo

Amazon e non solo, la riscossa dello stato contro Big Tech passa dall’Antitrust

An truck drives on a snow-covered stretch of westbound Interstate Highway 90, Thursday, Dec. 9, 2021, as snow falls near Snoqualmie Pass in Washington state. More U.S. drivers could find themselves stuck on snowy highways or have their travel delayed this winter due to a shortage of snowplow drivers as some states are having trouble finding enough people willing to take the jobs. (AP Photo/Ted S. Warren)
An truck drives on a snow-covered stretch of westbound Interstate Highway 90, Thursday, Dec. 9, 2021, as snow falls near Snoqualmie Pass in Washington state. More U.S. drivers could find themselves stuck on snowy highways or have their travel delayed this winter due to a shortage of snowplow drivers as some states are having trouble finding enough people willing to take the jobs. (AP Photo/Ted S. Warren)
  • La multa da 1,1 miliardi di euro ad Amazon da parte dell’Autorità antitrust italiana segna uno salto di livello nel tentativo degli Stati di riprendere il controllo del capitalismo delle piattaforme, ma non arriva all’improvviso. 
  • Da anni i regolatori antitrust, a livello europeo ma sempre più anche nazionale, stanno cercando di recuperare la sovranità sottratta da Big Tech. 
  • Tutto questo nonostante la sostanziale indifferenza della politica. O forse proprio grazie al disinteresse dei partiti. 

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