
Pasolini sapeva già della tragedia che sarebbe successa a Cutro

Personal belongings among the wreckage of a capsized boat washed ashore at a beach near Cutro, southern Italy, Monday, Feb. 27, 2023. Rescue crews searched by sea and air Monday for the dozens of people believed still missing from a shipwreck off Italy’s southern coast that drove home once again the desperate and dangerous crossings of migrants seeking to reach Europe. (AP Photo/Valeria Ferraro)
Personal belongings among the wreckage of a capsized boat washed ashore at a beach near Cutro, southern Italy, Monday, Feb. 27, 2023. Rescue crews searched by sea and air Monday for the dozens of people believed still missing from a shipwreck off Italy’s southern coast that drove home once again the desperate and dangerous crossings of migrants seeking to reach Europe. (AP Photo/Valeria Ferraro)
  • Nell’Italia spensierata del boom, Pasolini già prevedeva il futuro. Con la sua acuta sensibilità, Pasolini vede giungere sulle nostre coste (e proprio a Crotone!) un popolo dolente di “vecchi fratelli”, come lui descriveva i popoli del Mediterraneo.
  • Con barche varate nei “regni della fame”, imbarcazioni fragili come quei regni, unico strumento per tante famiglie che non vogliono lasciare dietro di sé i propri figli.
  • Onore a quei calabresi che hanno gridato chiedendo giustizia al presidente Mattarella.

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