
Migranti, per ogni società aprirsi a chi vuole entrare è un dovere etico e un vantaggio

A migrant sits in a coach as he arrives at the holiday camping center in Hyeres, France, Friday, Nov. 11, 2022. The migrants had been onboard the Norwegian-flagged vessel the Ocean Viking, operated by the NGO SOS MŽditerranŽe, and had been at sea for nearly three weeks carrying around 230 migrants. Italy had refused to allow the migrants to disembark on Italian territory. (AP Photo/Daniel Cole) Associated Press/LaPresse Only Italy and Spain
A migrant sits in a coach as he arrives at the holiday camping center in Hyeres, France, Friday, Nov. 11, 2022. The migrants had been onboard the Norwegian-flagged vessel the Ocean Viking, operated by the NGO SOS MŽditerranŽe, and had been at sea for nearly three weeks carrying around 230 migrants. Italy had refused to allow the migrants to disembark on Italian territory. (AP Photo/Daniel Cole) Associated Press/LaPresse Only Italy and Spain
  •  «Nessuno ha più diritto di un altro ad abitare una località della Terra», scriveva Immanuel Kant.
  • Questo diritto non giustifica in alcun modo le azioni violente in casa altrui, le imprese volte al controllo di altri popoli. 
  • Ma al di fuori di queste fattispecie, qualcuno è in grado di citare un caso in cui gli immigrati abbiano provocato l'impoverimento del paese di approdo?

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