
Chi resta al fianco della Russia? Ecco come la guerra ucraina arriva fino in Africa

Shooting practice from Ivorian special forces soldiers at a shooting range during the annual US. Military led counterterrorism training known as Flintlock, near base camp Loumbila, Jacqueville, Ivory Coast, Thursday Feb. 17, 2022. This year's exercises take place as France announces it will be pulling its troops from Mali, where thousands of its soldiers have been fighting Islamic extremists since 2013 when they pushed al-Qaida linked fighters from strongholds in the north. (AP Photo/Sylvain Cherkaoui)
Shooting practice from Ivorian special forces soldiers at a shooting range during the annual US. Military led counterterrorism training known as Flintlock, near base camp Loumbila, Jacqueville, Ivory Coast, Thursday Feb. 17, 2022. This year's exercises take place as France announces it will be pulling its troops from Mali, where thousands of its soldiers have been fighting Islamic extremists since 2013 when they pushed al-Qaida linked fighters from strongholds in the north. (AP Photo/Sylvain Cherkaoui)
  • La politica globale si sta chiedendo quali saranno le conseguenze della guerra in Ucraina sul resto del mondo. Chi si schiera con la Russia, a parte i soliti rogue states come l’Iran, il Venezuela o la Corea del Nord?
  • Si tratta di una domanda cruciale soprattutto in Africa dove Mosca sta aumentando da qualche anno la propria presenza politico-militare.
  • Molti paesi africani non produttori temono le conseguenze dell'impennata dei prezzi del petrolio e del gas. Anche l'aumento del valore del dollaro potrebbe mettere pressione sulle fragili valute del continente.

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