
Il governo svedese sostenuto dagli alleati di Meloni blocca la riforma Ue dell’immigrazione

Sweden Democrats party leader Jimmie Ã…kesson speaks at the election party in Stockholm, Sweden, Sunday, Sept. 9, 2018. Returns reported by the Scandinavian country's election commission showed the Sweden Democrats placing third in the parliamentary election held Sunday. Addressing supporters after more than four-fifths of ballots were counted, Akesson said the victory was in the number of seats the party gained in the national assembly, the Riksdagen.(Anders Wiklund /TT via AP)
Sweden Democrats party leader Jimmie Ã…kesson speaks at the election party in Stockholm, Sweden, Sunday, Sept. 9, 2018. Returns reported by the Scandinavian country's election commission showed the Sweden Democrats placing third in the parliamentary election held Sunday. Addressing supporters after more than four-fifths of ballots were counted, Akesson said the victory was in the number of seats the party gained in the national assembly, the Riksdagen.(Anders Wiklund /TT via AP)
  • Il nuovo governo svedese dipende dai voti dell’estrema destra degli Svedesi democratici, alleata di Fratelli d’Italia e dei “sovranisti” polacchi del Pis in Europa.
  • Ma gli alleati del leader svedese Jimmie Akesson faranno bene a non aspettarsi grandi aiuti ora che la Svezia ha ottenuto la presidenza di turno dell’Unione europea.
  • Sulla riforma delle politiche dell’immigrazione, pallino dei sovranisti italiani, gli svedesi hanno già fatto sapere di non aspettarsi risultati nei prossimi sei mesi e non arriveranno aiuti nemmeno per le procedure di infrazione che rischiano di colpire Ungheria e Polonia.

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