La conclusione del Consiglio europeo

L’Europa ha bisogno dei corridoi umanitari per i migranti

Migrants who were arrested after crossing illegally from Turkey to Greece stand behind a fence at a detention center near the village of Fylakio, at the Greek-Turkish border, Greece, Friday, May 21, 2021. An automated hi-tech surveillance network being built on the Greek-Turkish border aiming at detecting migrants early and deterring them from crossing, with river and land patrols using searchlights and long-range acoustic devices. (AP Photo/Giannis Papanikos)
Migrants who were arrested after crossing illegally from Turkey to Greece stand behind a fence at a detention center near the village of Fylakio, at the Greek-Turkish border, Greece, Friday, May 21, 2021. An automated hi-tech surveillance network being built on the Greek-Turkish border aiming at detecting migrants early and deterring them from crossing, with river and land patrols using searchlights and long-range acoustic devices. (AP Photo/Giannis Papanikos)
  • Si conclude oggi il consiglio europeo dedicato, tra le altre cose, al tema delle migrazioni.
  • Il problema resta quello di cui si discute da anni: la necessità di un meccanismo di distribuzione solidale dei profughi.
  • Ma i governi europei sono bloccati dai calcoli di politica interna. Per questo serve un altro modello.

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